What is LumiSystem?
In combination, LUMISIGHT™ (pegulicianine) and Lumicell™ Direct Visualization System (DVS), is the only fluorescence imaging system that enables surgeons to scan inside breast cavity post-lumpectomy, in real-time and intraoperatively, to detect and resect residual cancer, potentially sparing some patients from second surgeries1

LUMISIGHT is delivered by intravenous injection over 3 minutes administered 2 hours to 6 hours prior to imaging.

The hand-held imaging probe enables the surgeon to scan inside the breast cavity to illuminate and find activated LUMISIGHT in residual cancer.

Real-time images from the cavity, based on a patient-calibrated cancer detection software, guide the surgeon in the removal of residual cancerous tissue.
What if you had the power to see invasive cancer and DCIS, in real-time, during surgery?
See invasive breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) where and when it matters most
Clinical Evidence: Study Overview
The pivotal INSITE study was a multi-center, prospectively
randomized trial in women undergoing lumpectomy surgery for breast cancer1
Study Design & Patient Selection
The study was conducted across 14 U.S. medical centers. In this prospective study, the investigators assessed the ability of LumiSystem to identify residual cancer in the cavity after SoC lumpectomy surgery was completed.

After the surgeon declared that they had completed their SoC procedure, randomization was revealed. Patients were randomized 10:1 to either LumiSystem-guided surgery or SoC without LumiSystem guidance.
Study Procedures
In the LumiSystem guidance arm, after SoC, the lumpectomy cavity was scanned using the handheld probe. If the LumiSystem signal was displayed onscreen as positive, then the surgeon resected a “LumiSystem-guided shave” from that region. All tissues were oriented and underwent histopathology assessment for margin evaluation.

Study endpoints
The pivotal trial had three co-primary endpoints: Residual Cancer Detection, Sensitivity, and Specificity, with performance goals of > 3%, >40%, and >60%, respectively
Residual Cancer Detection



Exploratory Endpoint†
Patient-reported outcomes evaluating the impact of LumiSystem-guided shaves to patients' perceived cosmesis

† Participation in this exploratory endpoint decreased at the longer data collection timepoints. Results show that at every timepoint, the patient-reported breast cosmesis satisfaction score did not differ between patients with or without LumiSystem-guided shaves.
Secondary Endpoint
LumiSystem-guided conversion of positive margins to final negative margins

* Two additional patients were converted from pathology negative margins to pathology positive margins from LumiSystem-guided shaves and underwent a second surgery.
- LUMISIGHT may cause serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis has occurred in 4/726 (0.6%) of patients in clinical studies. The most common side effects (≥1%) include hypersensitivity and an abnormal color in urine. LUMISIGHT is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to pegulicianine.
- The absence of a signal in surgery does not rule out cancer. Additionally, a positive signal may be seen in non-cancerous tissue.
- Avoid administration of dyes before imaging the lumpectomy cavity in patients receiving LUMISIGHT.
Results of the Investigation of Novel Surgical Imaging for Tumor Excision (INSITE) pivotal trial, used to support the efficacy of the system, were published in NEJM Evidence.
1. Smith, et al. NEJM Evidence 2023;2(7). DOI: 10.1056/EVIDoa2200333
The LumiSystem Journey
Years of work went into LumiSystem, from understanding the unmet need to developing to developing the concept of fluorescent guided surgery. We are proud to bring this solution to market for patients and surgeons.
LumiSystem is designed to provide significant value to the healthcare system in the form of:
- Identifying residual cancer, undetected by the current standard of care
- Potentially avoiding the need for a second surgery
- Seamlessly integrating into the surgical workflow, with approximately <10 minutes of added time to the procedure

Important Safety Information
What is LumiSystem™?
LUMISIGHT™ (pegulicianine) Important Safety Information
What is the most important information I should know about LUMISIGHT?
- Hypersensitivity Reactions: LUMISIGHT may cause serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, during or following administration. Serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, can occur during or following administration. Anaphylaxis has occurred in 4/726 (0.6%) of patients in clinical studies. Before LUMISIGHT administration, assess all patients for any history of hypersensitivity reaction to contrast media or products containing polyethylene glycol (PEG). LUMISIGHT is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity reaction to pegulicianine. Always have emergency resuscitation drugs, equipment, and trained personnel available. Monitor all patients for hypersensitivity reactions. If a hypersensitivity reaction is suspected, immediately discontinue the injection and initiate appropriate therapy.
- Risk of Misdiagnosis: Absence of signal in the surgical field does not rule out the presence of cancer. Additionally, a positive signal may be seen in non-cancerous tissue.
- Interference from Dyes Used for Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping: Avoid administration of dyes before imaging the lumpectomy cavity in patients who have received LUMISIGHT.
- Adverse Reactions: The most common adverse reactions (≥1%) were hypersensitivity and chromaturia.
Please see full Prescribing Information, including Boxed Warning.
Lumicell™ Direct Visualization System (DVS) Important Safety Information
What is the Lumicell™ DVS?
What is the most important information I should know about Lumicell DVS?
- Adjunctive use: Lumicell DVS is for adjunctive use and is not a replacement for the standard of care procedures and pathology. Training and proficiency in the use of Lumicell DVS are essential prior to employing the system in a lumpectomy procedure. Lumicell DVS detection of breast cancer may not be generalizable to all subpopulations at increased risk for positive margins. Physicians using the system must be trained in breast conserving surgery.
- Risk of Misdiagnosis: The absence of a signal in surgery does not rule out cancer. Additionally, a positive signal may be seen in non-cancerous tissue.
- Interference from Dyes Used for Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping: Avoid administration of dyes before imaging the lumpectomy cavity in patients who have received LUMISIGHT.
- Tissue perforation or damage: Avoid excessive pressure or torque with the handheld probe while inside the cavity as it can cause tissue perforation or damage.
- Infection risk: To avoid infection risk when using reusable equipment, properly and completely disinfect and reprocess the handheld probe and cables after each use. To avoid infection risk when using sterile single-use equipment, ensure you use the sterile probe cover properly.
- Eye discomfort: Avoid direct eye exposure to handheld light probe as it may cause discomfort.
Please see Lumicell DVS Instructions for Use. For complete product information, visit www.LumiSystem.com.